Competent Cells for Difficult Cloning

Competent Cells for Difficult Cloning, such as xl10 gold ultracompetent cells, are tailored for high-efficiency genetic manipulation.

These cells are optimally prepared to accept and incorporate foreign DNA, a key factor in cloning difficult sequences. The availability of such high-quality, competent cells significantly improves the cloning process, enabling researchers to overcome challenges associated with complex genetic constructs.

Their role in advancing genetic engineering and molecular biology research is indispensable, providing a foundation for innovations in these fields.

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Competent Cells for Difficult Cloning

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  • Phage display libraries from electroporation-competent cells with high transformation efficiency. Just thaw, combine with DNA, and electroporate to get started quickly Efficiency of > 1 x 10^10 transformations/µg of pUC18 DNA Kit size 5 x 0.1 mL …

  • XL10-Gold ultracompetent cells transform large plasmids and ligated DNA with highest efficiency. Engineered to transform large plasmids and ligated DNA more efficiently than other cell lines Includes Hte phenotype for 20-fold to 30-fold higher transformation efficiency of ligated DNA and…

  • Agilent Genomics

    SURE 2 competent cells are ideal for routine cloning of DNA with secondary structures. Lack components of the pathways that catalyze the rearrangement and deletion of nonstandard secondary and tertiary structures Allow for blue-white color screening Replicating eukaryotic DNA in…

  • Agilent Genomics

    ABLE K Competent Cells for toxic clones reduce copy number 10-fold compared to the XL1-Blue strain. Reduces the copy number of ColE1-derived plasmids (such as pUC and pBluescript® plasmids) 10-fold Decreases level of cloned protein product to increase cell viability …

  • Difficult Cloning Competent Cell Packs include three strains packaged together for lab efficiency. XL10-Gold ultracompetent cells, with the novel Hte (high transformation efficiency) phenotype, provide 25-fold higher transformation of ligated DNA compared to DH10B and XL2-Blue cells SURE…

  • Achieve the highest transformation efficiencies available when cloning large plasmids and ligated DNA. Separate DNA fragments and libraries up to 5000 bp in 1-2 minutes/sample Achieve objective quantitative and purity measurements from as little as 2 µL of DNA, sensitive down to 5…

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